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Study Room of Violet Sorrengail: Inspired by the Emperyean Book Series
Study Room of Violet Sorrengail: Inspired by the Emperyean Book Series

This study room takes you right into the world of Rebecca Yarros's Emperyean book series. This scene shows a study room that would be used by Violet Sorrengail, the main character in the series. It shows what Violet is like as a person and her journey in the Basgiath Warcollege through small details.

Drawing on the detailed descriptions in the series, I decorated the room with small details that honour Violet Sorrengail as a character. Violet's knowledge of herbs and her never-ending search for answers in the scribes' books. Different herbs are carefully arranged in jars,spread out across the table and around the room, which is a hint that she likes making poisons for sparring matches. The books that are strewn around tables and shelves show Violet's never-ending desire to learn and her quest to find out the secrets of Navarre's powerful wards and how they are powered.

This scene, which I made as a level design project for my HND course in game development, shows a smaller but very crowded environment that is full of things you can do. A lot of props not only make the scene look better by providing plenty of visual interest, but they also give us a sneak peek at how the game might play if the Emperyean series were turned into a videogame. I can see this level design being a room for the player to explore and do different things, like learn about herbs by finding them in the room and maybe cooking them over the fire in the kettle for fights on the sparring mat, or learn about wards by finding the right books in the scene. Cutscenes between characters would look great with the story in this scene level design. There are a lot of different ways this level design could be used.

Using items from several Unreal Engine Marketplace packs, such as the Mediaeval Series by Sharpasa, Stylized Fantasy Provencal by StylArts, Fantasy Interior Environment by Leartes Studios, Library by Frog, and Stylized Modular Crystal Mine by Scale 3D.

As you look around this  study room, I hope you can feel like you're in the world of 'The Emperyean' helping Violet study.

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